Jubal Dike takes a win at the CCEOF Series…

The 3rd round of the Circle City Electric Off-Road Series took place Sunday, September 23 at E Squared Raceway in Avon, IN. This race marked the halfway point in the 6 round, 3 track series. There were 60+ entries in several different classes.

The Pro2 class was one of the largest classes, going back to a C main. Jubal Dike was able to sweep qualifying with his Tekin powered FT SC10 and hold the overall TQ by several seconds. At the start of the main Jubal was able to put in clean laps, which was very difficult with the track conditions. He was able to slowly pull away in the 8 min main, only being marshaled once, and that was on the last lap when he had the race well in hand. Jubal was able to lap all the way up to second place, and only being 5 seconds from him at the end of the race. The truck was absolutely on rails with plenty of power with a Tekin RS and Gen 2 8.5.

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